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sex a week before period

I had unprotected sex the day before my period. I am now 3 days late with  period like symptoms, but nothing. What are my chances of being pregnant? -  Quora
I had unprotected sex the day before my period. I am now 3 days late with period like symptoms, but nothing. What are my chances of being pregnant? - Quora
Can you get pregnant just before your period? And 10 other things to know Although it is possible to become pregnant in the days before your period, it is not likely. You can only become pregnant during a narrow window of a month. When these fertile days really happen depends on when, or releases an egg from your ovary. Ovulation usually occurs in the middle of your menstrual cycle, approximately two weeks before your period, but not everyone's cycle is regular. Ovulation usually occurs in the middle of your menstrual cycle, approximately two weeks before your period, but not everyone's cycle is regular. Even for those with a regular cycle, it is possible to ovulate before or after. This can change the fertile window a few days in a given month. In other words, it is difficult to point out a time in your cycle where you can guarantee 100 percent that you will or will not become pregnant. The chance to get pregnant It is unlikely It is likely that 14 days before X10 days before X5–7 days before X2 days before X1 days before XDuring menstruationX1 day after X2 days after X5–7 days afterX10 days afterX14 days afterX14 days afterX The average menstrual cycle is , with the first day of menstruation as cycle day 1. Most periods last from two to seven days. Pregnancy is rare during this time, as your peak fertility window is still about a week or so far. Around 6 to 14 of your cycle, your body will begin to release. This helps to develop an egg within your ovary. Your body will also begin rebuilding the endometrial coating in your uterus. Pregnancy is a little more likely during this time. Sperm can live up to five days within the body, so it could be present when the egg matures. Once the egg is ripe, your body will be released, activating the egg release from your ovary (). Ovulation usually occurs around the day of cycle 14. Pregnancy is likely on ovulation day. That said, ovulation does not always happen as a watchmaking. It can occur anywhere in your menstrual cycle. The lower line If you ovulate later in your cycle or start your period before the usual, you might become pregnant if you have sex in the days before your period. If you ovulate later in your cycle or start your period before the usual, you might become pregnant if you have sex in the days before your period. Many people don't have 28-day cycles. Some have cycles as short as 21 days and others up to 35 days. In fact, in , only about 30 percent of the participants had their fertile window fall within the 10-17 days of their cycle. Only 10 percent had ovulation dropped exactly 14 days before their next period. Stress and diet can also affect when ovulation occurs, as well as medical conditions such as and . Menstrual cycles can also be more irregular during adolescence or . In many cases, ovulation still occurs around the middle of its cycle. Try this. If you are trying to find out when it can be ovular, a good place to start is by determining the midpoint of your individual cycle. If you are trying to find out when it can be ovular, a good place to start is by determining the midpoint of your individual cycle. But if your cycle duration varies from month to month, it may be useful to use a . If you are trying to become pregnant, you may consider formally tracking your ovulation. This can provide a more reliable view of your fertile window. You can do it in several ways, including: The only time you can become pregnant is during your fertile window. An egg only lives for about 24 hours after being released from its ovary, and the sperm can only live for up to five days within the body. That means you can only get pregnant if you have sex: That means you can only get pregnant if you have sex: If you're looking to conceive, the best time to have sex is right before ovulation. This will give sperm time to get to the fallopian tube and get to know the egg there. After that, if no sperm has fertilized the egg, it will dissolve. You will not be able to become pregnant until your cycle restates. It's not impossible, but it's unlikely. Time would have to be perfect for egg and sperm to be reached on time. If you have sex at the end of your period and ovulate early, the egg and sperm may be alive at the same time and fertilization may occur. It is unlikely, although slightly more likely if you have sex during your period. If you have sex right after your period and ovules early that month, you may become pregnant. This is more likely with people who have a shorter than average cycle, because ovulation occurs more often. Your period will only begin if the egg is not fertilized and the cells are reabsorbed. This causes estrogen and progesterone levels to fall and menstruation begins. However, you may experience some during early pregnancy. However, you may experience some during early pregnancy. found that 14 out of 151 participants experienced a day of vaginal bleeding in the first eight weeks of pregnancy. In addition, people may experience stains during the first three months of pregnancy. Taking note of the moment and any other symptoms present can help you differentiate between typical menstruation and pregnancy-related staining. Taking note of the moment and any other symptoms present can help you differentiate between typical menstruation and pregnancy-related staining. usually occurs from 6 to 12 days after conception. It is caused by the fertilized egg that connects to your uterus coating. This light spot usually lasts only 24 to 48 hours and is usually much lighter than the average period. You can also experience stains as a result of increased blood flow in your cervix. This type of stain is more common, one, or one. If you are experiencing unexpected bleeding, consult a doctor or other healthcare provider. If you had unprotected sex and wanted to avoid pregnancy, take it as soon as possible. There are two main types: the copper IUD and the hormone CE pill, and both can work up to five days later. IUD prevents pregnancy by producing a toxic inflammatory reaction to sperm and eggs. It is more effective than the day after pill, but it is only available by prescription and has to be inserted by a doctor within five days of unprotected sex. The pill provides a high dose of hormones to delay ovulation or prevent a fertilized egg from implanting the uterus. Plan B One-Step, Next Choice, and MyWay are on the counter. What should I use? As a general thumb rule, EC pills can be less effective for people. There is no research suggesting that copper IUD is similarly affected by the IMC, so this option can be more effective. Talk to your local pharmacist or other healthcare provider about which EC option is suitable for you. As a general thumb rule, EC pills can be less effective for people. There is no research suggesting that copper IUD is similarly affected by the IMC, so this option can be more effective. Talk to your local pharmacist or other healthcare provider about which EC option is suitable for you. Wait until the first day of your lost period to take a pregnancy test at home. But if you can wait a little longer, taking the test a week after the date of your lost period can produce the most accurate result. If you have an irregular cycle, wait one to two weeks after you had sex to take the test. This will allow your body to develop sufficiently high levels to be detected by the test. If you get a positive result, you might want to check again in a day or two as it is possible. Then contact a medical provider to confirm the results. If you are trying to prevent pregnancy or try to conceive, it is always a good idea to talk about it with a doctor or other healthcare provider. They can help you learn more about your cycle and discuss your options moving forward. This could include birth control, awareness of fertility or family planning. Simone M. Scully is a writer who loves to write about all things of health and science. Find Simone on it, and . Last medical review on May 3, 2019 Read this next set of words

Top navigation Profile menuAccountExplore Parents Explore PUEBLO PREGUNTA PREGNANCY BABY NAMES BABY TODDLERBIG KID FONDO HEALTH PARENT FOODHOLIDAY OUR MAGAZINESMORE Profile menu Follow Us How your period affects your chances of pregnancy Trying to conceive but not pregnant yet? Maybe it's time to see your monthly period (or not so much a month) to know why those two pink lines have not yet appeared in your pregnancy test. We all agree that having a monthly period can be a total nuisance. And it goes without saying that that's even more the case when you're trying to conceive. But the amazing thing that many women don't realize is that our period is actually a window to our fertility — helping us to follow our cycles, to know (approximately) when we are more fertile, and to provide clues about our chances of becoming pregnant. Things like the length of the cycle, the intensity of your flow, and the frequency with which you are receiving your period are affected by hormones in your body that regulate your cycle, help you become pregnant and maintain a healthy pregnancy. So when hormone levels become out of balance, sometimes due to underlying medical conditions, stress or extreme changes in the diet, there is a good chance that your menstrual cycle will be unlearned. Here, we have highlighted several common situations that women face when it comes to their monthly cycle to help you know when to consult a doctor about how their period might be affecting their chances of conceiving. Lost period If you're trying to conceive, there's nothing worse than losing a period for the wrong reason. If your monthly visitor does not appear, well, monthly, and you are not seeing those two pink lines you are waiting for, it is a good idea to contact the doctor to get to the bottom of the problem. That is because an irregular cycle has a two-point effect on its fertility: First, it will be much more difficult to determine the key ovulation dates where you become pregnant is very likely. Most importantly, periods that are lacking repeatedly indicate underlying problems that may affect their fertility; some are serious, while others are relatively simple to resolve. If you wonder what may cause a lost period, out of pregnancy, of course, there are a number of possible causes." PCOS is probably the best known cause of irregular cycles. Hypothyroidism can also cause amenorrhea, as well as high levels of prolactin, zinc deficiency, extreme diet or weight loss, or very intense exercise," says Dr. Lauren DeVille, naturopathic physician of Nature Cure Family Health. Many of these causes can be easily fixed or reversed with the help of your OBGYN, which in turn may refer to a fertility specialist if necessary. Abnormal flow If you're getting your period every month, you're definitely ahead of the game when it comes to your chances of getting pregnant. However, if you are not seeing a positive pregnancy test month after a month despite a relatively predictable cycle length, your flow could provide a hint on the cause. Abnormally heavy or light periods may sometimes mean that there are problems that need to be solved before conception can occur, so read to see if any of these can be applied to you. Heavy period At first glance, having an unusually heavy period may not seem like something that might affect your fertility, especially if your period remains regular. Actually, however, it is not normal to have a super heavy period every month. Most of the underlying causes of very heavy periods are things that also lead to an inability to get pregnant or maintain a healthy pregnancy: things such as uterine or polyp fibroids, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease or hormonal imbalance. How do you know if your heavy flow is too heavy? According to Dr. Jessica Shepherd, an OBGYN and founder, an extremely heavy menstrual flow is called menorrhagia, and is characterized by the following: Light period In most cases, having a period of light is nothing to worry too much. If you've always had a beautiful light period, or if it's always been on the short side, get out! This should certainly not affect your chances of becoming pregnant. But if your low flow is a sudden change that cannot be explained by increased stress or dramatic weight loss, you may want to see what is causing a period of light. One of the major underlying medical problems when it comes to what causes a period of light is polycytic ovary syndrome, or PCOS, a condition where women produce male hormones above average. And you probably already know that PCOS is one of the main causes of infertility in women today. But the good news is that proper medical treatment to help keep hormones on the way makes it possible for PCOS patients to have a healthy pregnancy and lead a baby on the run. Duration of the cycle The length of the perfect cycle for images is 28 days. But of course, we are all different, so there will always be some variation in the length of the cycle. Often, a person's cycle may be off for a day or so, and that's fine. But drastic differences in cycle lengths may indicate problems such as hormonal imbalance or other underlying medical problems that may affect fertility. According to, "The length of your cycle, although not in any form of birth control, can be a key indicator of hormonal imbalances and if ovulation is occurring on a regular basis. Hormonal imbalances can affect whether and when ovulation occurs during your cycle. "Keep reading to learn what it can mean if you are experiencing abnormally long or short menstrual cycles. Long cycle When you're trying to get pregnant, even a 30-day cycle can feel like an eternity, right? That's why there's nothing more to punish than an abnormally long cycle. Be sure that the occasional cycles that are longer than usual are quite normal; minor things like travel, stress or even illness can delay your period for a few days or so. But if you go in 45 days or longer, or if the longer cycles of the average are becoming the norm for you, it's time to find out what's going on. Long cycles can mean you're not regularly ovulating. In fact, they are often indicative of an annovulatory cycle, it is a cycle in which your body does not release an egg at all. As you can imagine, that can definitely put a kink in the baby-making process. Many of the things that cause lost periods and other anomalies are the same things that cause super long cycles; hormonal imbalance in the thyroid and adrenal glands, uterine polyps or fibroids, PCOS or obesity can play a role. Short cycle On the back side, if you have noticed that you are getting your period more than once every month, there is a good chance that your cycle length can be abnormally short. If you're thinking that this is a matter of more possibilities of trying to conceive, sadly, that's not always the case. An abnormally short cycle can be an indication of, among other complications, a luteal phase defect. "The luteal phase is the second half of the cycle, after ovulation. During this phase, progesterone increases to nourish endometrial in the event of implantation. It takes about 7 days after the ovulation for the implant to occur, so a shorter luteal phase than makes the pregnancy unlikely. Ideally, you need the luteal phase to last about 14 days," says DeVille. Other signs of a luteal phase defect include spotting and repeated early abortions. The solution is often found in fertility medications such as Clomid Supositories or Progesterone, so if you are diagnosed with a phase luteal defect, know that it is a solvable problem and you are likely to have little problem conceiving once corrected. Spotting Like all the other odds that may occur with your cycle, staining is something that can happen from time to time, especially during the first years after your period begins and as you approach menopause. But if you are experiencing regular stains before your period starts every month, or if you are having a lot of bleeding between cycles, your hormone levels may be slightly out of your dock. DeVille says, "the stain usually occurs when progesterone levels are too low to keep the endometrial in place. Or alternatively, if estrogen levels are too high." You might consider trying one of the new hormonal tests at home if you are having a lot of stains, then take the results to your doctor. You can check and determine at the time what type of treatment you might need to increase your chances of seeing the positive pregnancy test you've been waiting for. Comments (1) Participation options Comment on this project Log in Magazines & More informationConnectOther Meredith Sites View image

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